Status Instruments

Any industry, heavy or light, from farming to power generation, will make use of monitoring, display and control systems and each industry will present its own set of requirements and problems.

However, effective solutions don’t always require the use of a custom PLC or bespoke equipment.Advances in the functionality of off-the-shelf meters and signal conditioners now mean some of the control work can be done by the monitoring device itself.

To trigger the correct responses to changing process conditions, you’ll need instrumentation that takes inputs from process sensors, displays the process measurement values and respond accordingly with control outputs.

Universal products such as our DM3600U are perfect as an all-in-one solution for displaying measurement, but also provide the important relay(s) needed to identify and notify the user of the process change.

Having more than one relay will allow you to set off a series of automation products to counteract any negative changes in the process.

The panel meter range offers the user a visual display of multiple processes at one source away from the process.

Application monitoring is required to ensure all process variables are within tolerance and specification. If, for whatever reason, a monitored signal moves outside of defined parameters, you’ll either need an automated or manual response to ensure the process stays within specification or is stopped before damage to product or equipment occurs.

Sometimes it’s necessary to have the visual measurement close to the process with the required relays, such as mounted on a pipe or directly to probe or sensor. For example, the DM670TM, when used on a pipe to monitor temperature, the two relays which can be used to control open- and close-type applications on hot and cold pipes, to maintain a consistent temperature.

When various processes need controlling in a panel, Status Instruments’ rail mounted SEM1700 range of single and dual channel conditioning and splitter products have been designed with a view to overcoming many of the common problems associated with signal conditioning.

A worldwide power supply operating from 24 VDC all the way up to mains voltage, 3k75 V isolation between inputs and outputs, and a wide range of input and output configuration, gives the user flexibility in the field.

The dual channel units SEM1720 & SEM1750, can be used in two modes: simple – where only the basic features of a signal conditioner/splitter need to be considered, and advanced. In advanced mode the functionality offers: user linearisation, signal damping, a system diagnostic tool, and other options, including recording, are available. Set-up is achieved using FOC software and a standard USB lead.

To explore our range, please visit and contact us to discuss in detail. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn or sign up to our newsletter.

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